I've always liked the thought of becoming a world traveler, but I
wasn't planning a trip to South America anytime soon. Yet somehow
I found myself in the southern hemisphere spending my summer in
the winter of Brasil and Paraguay. As fun as it was, it was no
vacation! Each new challenge made me wonder, "What am I doing here?"
What made me think I could handle cabin leading and serving in
Brasil when I don't speak Portuguese? Why did I think my Japanese
was good enough to lead prayer and Bible study in Paraguay when
I'm not even confident in everyday conversation?
Realizing how inadequate you really are is scary. But realizing
that God makes up for whatever is lacking frees you to be blessed
in many ways. Let me show you what I mean...
the road to south america: how God put it on my map
the JEMS team: it's all about working together
the chronology: an outline of my time in South America
the ministries

background about the countries: Brasil and Paraguay