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  Internship for summer of 2006.



August 2005-Present

University of Maryland, College Park, MD

Computer Science Graduate Student.  GPA: 3.57

June 2003

Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA

Bachelor of Arts.  Major in Computer Science, Minor in Math.  GPA: 3.81 Overall, 3.92 Major




Phi Beta Kappa Fellowship


Verizon Fellowship for outstanding academic achievement


Phi Beta Kappa national honor society member


Association for Women in Mathematics member


Hajime Mitarai Scholarship for an outstanding international student at Swarthmore College


Swarthmore College Scholarship


American Universities Alumni of Malaysia Award for academic excellence


Informatics Outstanding Student Award for academic excellence



Application Developer

August 2003- June 2005


JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY

·   Designed, implemented, and tested a new algorithm and additional functionalities for PAT (Platform for Algorithmic Trading), a client-server algorithmic trading application developed in Java.  PAT is a reactive system which executes orders based on trading strategies, historical profiles of stocks, and close monitoring of the market.

·     Built new features in C# for the PAT front-end application.

·   Enhanced web application implemented with Struts to provide an interface for management of users, orders, order routing preferences, and electronic communication network connectivity.

·   Gathered business requirements from users on various trading desks. Documented use cases and authored design specifications.

·     Tracked project plan and coordinated testing of server-side application with front-end team.

·   Prepared usage and status reports for management review. Produced ad hoc reporting and analysis using MS Access, R, and Perl.



Summer 2002


JPMorgan Chase, New York, NY

·   Improved the performance of Hedgehog, an automated trading application used by equity derivative traders for hedging, by redesigning and developing a Java application that processes execution reports and facilitates straight through processing to middle office.

·     Enhanced application that reports daily trading activities on NASDAQ to NASD.



Summer 2001


e-Business Exchange Pte. Limited, Penang, Malaysia

·   Developed a web-based skills assessment application using JSP, servlets, and JDBC for use in the company’s hiring process.



Teaching Assistant

Fall 2005- Present

Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, MD

·    Teach two lab sections for Object-Oriented Programming II. 

·   Lead discussion sections, help students learn to design, build, test, and debug medium-size Java programs, hold office hours, grade quizzes and exams.


Research Assistant

Summer 2003

Department of Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

·    Researched prediction and abstraction mechanisms for unsupervised robot learning.

·  Developed a robot control system consisting of self-organizing maps and neural networks for learning and associating sensorimotor data with the environment.



Spring 2003


Swarthmore Women in Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

·    Co-coordinated a mentoring program for women in computer science. 

·   Matched students in introductory courses with mentors, and organized various group activities.



Spring 2003


Department of Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

·    Ran a help clinic to assist students in UNIX and C with programming assignments.



Fall 2002

Dean’s Office, Swarthmore College, PA

·    Tutored a computer science student on programming fundamentals in C. 




Department of Computer Science and Department of Mathematics, Swarthmore College, PA

·   Graded weekly assignments for UNIX and C (Fall 2001), Discrete Mathematics (Spring 2001), and Linear Algebra (Fall 2000).



Term Research Project

Fall 2005

Department of Computer Science, University of Maryland, MD

SensoClean: Handling Noisy and Incomplete Data in Sensor Networks using Statistical Modeling

·   Collaborated with two graduate students to develop a toolkit that implements Kalman filter and regression modeling, supports data cleaning, interpolation and extrapolation, and provides data analysis tools and visualization.

·   Explored effectiveness of Kalman filter and regression for capturing spatio-temporal correlations and cleaning sensor network data.


Open Source Project

Summer 2003

Department of Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

Pyro (Python Robotics)

·   Worked on enhancements to the self-organizing map module of Pyro, an open source, python-based, integrated programming environment used in undergraduate and graduate level robotics and artificial intelligence courses.


Senior Research


Spring 2003

Department of Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

A Minimally Supervised Malay Affix Learner

·   Developed a minimally supervised system for learning Malay affixation, using an algorithm that focused on identifying and extracting morphological relationships from text corpora via orthographic analysis, and building an affix inventory via a semantic-based approach.


Term Research


Spring 2003

Department of Computer Science, Swarthmore College, PA

Towards Self-Organized Place Recognition

·     Collaborated with a fellow student to research place recognition and localization.

·   Developed an artificial neural control system for controlling robot behavior and extracting regularities from time-series sensorimotor information.  Used a simple recurrent network to learn motor control, and a self-organizing map to classify the network’s hidden states into coherent segments corresponding to a robot’s spatial location and behavior.



Computer Science

·   Graduate: Data Management in New Emerging Environments, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning, Research in Software Engineering.

·   Undergraduate: UNIX and C, Structure and Interpretation of Programs, Algorithms and Object-Oriented Computing, Network Modeling, Operating Systems, Computer Architecture, Compilers, Artificial Intelligence, Developmental Robotics, Theory of Computation.



·  Calculus, Multivariable Calculus, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, Combinatorics, Statistics, Abstract Algebra.




UNIX/Linux, Windows, Macintosh


Java, C#, C, Scheme, Python, Perl


R, Eclipse, IntelliJ, Visual Studio .NET


All content property of Yee Lin Tan unless otherwise noted