Semi–original piece for a friend. Inspiration taken from Stargate: Atlantis.
He should definitely change his name to Romeo.
Listening (G)
Bleach anime character piece. Yamada Hanatarou faces the consequences of his actions.
Theres a difference between justice and Stockholm Syndrome..
Gravitation (PG-13)
Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction from Doctor Kate Heightmeyers point–of–view and how she deals with the various characters that live and work on Atlantis.
Needing isnt the same as wanting and Kate wondered when normal had stopped being enough.
Unseen Bridges (G)
Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction. Ronans perspective on arriving at Atlantis.
Drifting on the current of their tidal voices, Ronan slowly remembers the shapes of unseen bridges.
A Matter of Spandrels (G)
Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction. Rodneys perspective on architecture.
Spandrels are the triangular space between the tops of two arches that abut each other in architecture.
The Secret of Physics (G)
Stargate: Atlantis fanfiction. A childrens story about Rodneys experiences growing up and what it means to be special.
At this age, all boys are special — Superman, starship captains, questing knights. They could fly faster than light, could lift whole buildings on their shoulders, could do amazing things until the story ended and then they dropped their swords that became sticks and put away their trusty steeds that were tricycles and went inside for dinner..