Welcome to Nha Van, the fiction archive of Nu Hiep. My assorted writing is housed here for your perusal.

In the Vietnamese language, nha van literally means "house of literature." It is commonly used to reference writers, connoting one voice in a long, textured history.

This term, of course, has special meaning to me. When I was born, my father sent a letter home to his father to celebrate the coming of his first daughter. In this letter, he inscribed the date and time of my arrival. It is an important ritual in my family - the reading of a newborn's fortune. With methods arcane and lost, like an onmyouji out of film, my grandfather measured the alignment of my stars and traced the thread of my fate.

I was born under the star of the writer, the poet, and the dreamer.

It's a pretty cool fate.



There's another short story added to the archive. "The Secret of Physics."


I've uploaded two more Stargate: Atlantis pieces of flashfiction to the fiction page. One is "Unseen Bridges" and the other is "A Matter of Spandrels."


I've just added a Stargate: Atlantis fanfic to the fiction page. It's called "Gravitation." Enjoy.


This page was coded using CSS and for viewing on Mozilla Firefox. As a consequence, all of you visiting using Internet Explorer will see some crazy mistakes on the pages. That's normal. My roommate is a web programmer. She's going to help me out with some bug fixes so that the page is viewable by all.

Also, I've uploaded "Listening" to the fiction archive for your viewing pleasure.