
the swarthmore college knitting club

Do you knit? Do you want to learn?

This group sponsors a weekly time in which members of the Swarthmore community come together and knit. Knitting is a very relaxing hobby and at Swarthmore it is difficult to find free time to knit or relax. At our meetings we are able to knit for ourselves and share or skills with others. Our meetings enable aspiring knitters to learn a creative new skill and use it to create useful items such as mittens, hats, sweaters, and socks.

our first knitathonOur First Knitathon

Knit-Wits meets every Thursday at 4:15 until dinner in Parrish Parlours to knit and socialize. In November, 1995 we had our first knit-a-thon during which many members attempted to stay awake all night and knit winter wear for the Kensington Welfare Rights Union.


Knitting in Literature

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott

Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens

Knitting in Film

Like Water For Chocolate: Tita knits while she pines away.By the time she leaves her house her afghan is hundreds of feet long.

Knitting on Television

Other Representations of Knitting


  • The Online Knitting Magazine

  • Calendar of Yarn Related Events

    Lyndsley and Caitlin knittingLyndsley and Caitlin knitting

    Questions or comments?


    Last Updated: April 13, 1996