May we include your name, year, and major with your feedback? We may display your: name year major Department & course number: ARTH ASIA ASTR BIOL BLST CHEM CHIN CLAS COGS CLMP CPSC DANC ECON EDUC ENGR ENGL ENVS FMST FRAN FREN GERM GMST GREK HIST INTP LATN LAST LING LITR MATH MEDI MLL MUSI PEAC PHIL PE PHYS POLS PSYC PPOL RELG RUSS SOAN SPAN STAT STUA THEA WMST Course title: Professor (lastname, first m) : Semester and Year you took the class: Fall Spring 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 Comments: Please be as specific and complete as possible. Explain what aspects of the class you liked and disliked.