The magic behind Trackle:
Dan Crosta
Dan graduated from Swarthmore College in June, 2006, with a B.A. in Computer Science. During his tenure at Swarthmore, he served three years as Systems Administrator for the Swarthmore College Computer Society, most recently as Lead Systems Administrator. He has also participated in research in Computer Graphics at Princeton University, and in Computer Vision at Swarthmore College. Since July, 2006, he has been working as a Software Developer at Wireless Generation in New York City.
Matt Singleton
Matt graduated from Swarthmore College in June, 2007, with a B.A. in Computer Science and Linguistics. He served as Systems Administrator for the Swarthmore College Computer Society, and Lead Systems Administrator during his senior year. He has also participated in Computational Linguistics research in the Department of Computer Science at Swarthmore College. Since July, 2007, he has been working as a Software Developer at Wireless Generation in New York City.
Edgewall Software
Trackle is based on the fantastic open-source project Trac, without which Dan and Matt would never have been able to create Trackle. There isn't enough room to credit the dozens of developers and contributors to Trac, so we won't try. Instead we just want to say, we love you guys, keep up the great work.