JEMS South America logo
The Christian lifestyle is all about working together. The
apostle Paul often described teamwork as one body with 
many parts and "God has arranged the parts of the body, 
every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.
I was one part of a body composed of Christians from several churches and sent through JEMS, the Japanese Evangelical Missionary Society, to serve some of our sister churches in South America.
photo of JEMS 1998 team
We served on different ministry teams in various places so I didn't 
even get to physically work with everyone. When apart, we prayed for 
each other's ministries. When we were all together, we shared lots of 
love and craziness. But the main thing was that we shared and still 
share one God and one purpose, to glorify him. In that sense our team 
includes all of the churches in Brasil and all of our churches at home. 
Together we are the body of Christ.
JEMS logo

links to JEMS:

  • JEMS main page

  • JEMS South America Missions home page

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