Our Weekend in Paris

Our first night in Paris, we had dinner and dessert at
this charming (and surprisingly cheap) cafe. It was a
short distance from our hotel, right next to the Bastille,
and thus became our meeting place for the weekend.

The first morning we walked along the Seine towards
Notre Dame. Here are Corry and Tim, and a bird flying by.

Notre Dame in the distance.

Jeff is trying to figure out where he can find Notre Dame.

Hilary, Jeff, and Tim on Ile St. Louis.

The pretty view of the rear of Notre Dame.

The front of Notre Dame.

We were going to go inside the cathedral, but there was
a mass going on to initiate new priests.

Tim, Hilary, Jeff, and me at Place de la Concord, with the Eiffel
tower in the background.

A tourist boat floating down the Seine.

Jeff, Corry, Hilary, and Tim, crossing a random street.

Jeff, Tim, Corry, Hilary, and Gordon at the Thai place we had
lunch at on Saturday. Note the poster of the woman with the
appropriately placed musical instruments.

Tim, Jeff, and me, after stopping at Berthillon for what is
reputedly the best ice cream in Paris.

A square where a bunch of people were gathered to watch a World
Cup match.

We walked around the courtyard of the Louvre for a while.

We were amused by the dog playing fetch in the fountain.

Jeff and Tim, trying to take an artsy photograph.

Gordon, Tim, and Jeff at the Louvre.

The boys and I walked from the Bastille area to the Arc de Triomphe,
and then we climbed many stairs to get to the top and see some
spectacular views of the city.

The obligatory shot with the Eiffel Tower.

Gordon, Tim, and Jeff with the Eiffel Tower.

Check out the crazy traffic pattern!

After all meeting up for a picnic dinner, we walked back to the
Bastille, where there was a crazy party going on. There was a
gay and lesbian pride parade going through.

After unsuccessfully trying to get rush tickets to the opera,
we went back to the boy's room to enjoy the 3 euro bottle of
wine we'd bought for dinner. It was actually quite good...

...as you can tell from the happy expressions on these
people's faces. Then we went out to a creperie and had some
delicious gallettes (salty crepes, as opposed to sweet) and
dessert crepes, and then we found a trendy little bar where
big screen TVs were playing movies like Pulp Fiction without
any sound. Unfortunately, I have no pictures from Saturday

Sunday morning, Gordon and I went to the Musee d'Orsay while
most of the other people were exploring the Louvre. Here's the
view of the inside of the building.

The roof of the museum gave us a great view of the city.
That's Sacre Coeur in the background.

Another great view from the roof.

I asked someone to take a picture of Gordon and me. I didn't
even get to speak in French -- practically everyone at the
museum seemed to be an English-speaking tourist. :)

Gordon in a Metro Station on the way back from Musee d'Orsay.

Here's the group at our last rendez-vous before going home.

Cory, Jeff, Elizabeth, and Chris on the TGV.

Me, Gordon, Tim, and Hilary. We were going pretty fast.

It was an exhausting weekend.