Jeff's Chili Dinner and GRAVATS

The week after Corry, Gordon, and I made the group dinner, no one else was ready to cook again, so I helped Jeff making some delicious chili. Chris didn't really help -- he just showed up in the kitchen when I was taking this picture. ;)

A table full of happy people eating chili.

Jeff had the brilliant idea of getting together for a chocolatefest to sample different types of chocolate and to decide which ones we want to bring back for our friends and family. In the spirit of CERN, where everything has an acronym, I came up with the name GRAVATS for our festival: la Goinfre Radine pour Affoler la Varicelle des Aisselles avec Tant de Sarrasin. I told everyone it could be loosely translated as "the radiant party for sampling a variety of sweet desserts with a spirit of merriment." "Loosely" is really the key word there. :) Here you can see Kevan, Gordon, Andrew, and Corry with the chocolate bars. Note the rating sheets and milk supply.

Jeff rates one of the chocolate bars on qualities such as "texture," "richness," "aftertaste," and "Swissness," while Gordon passes the label to Kevan.

We went into Geneve on a Friday evening to play soccer in the park. Tired of dressing like sloppy Americans, Chris and Jeff decide to become a little more stylish by donning Corry's and my jackets. What do you think?