
Jeff, Linus, Gordon, Corry, Pete, and Karen pose in the shade while the Duomo shines in the sunlight.

The inside of the Duomo was also really impressive.

Pretty stained glass.

We climbed a bunch of stairs to the top of the Duomo, where we had an even more impressive view of the spires...

...and of the surrounding area.

Me, on top of the Duomo.

Corry, me, and Karen, in the square in front of the Duomo (we spent a lot of time here).

Pete, Gordon, Karen, and me, during an afternoon of shopping. Corry is holding the camera. :)

We went to the La Scala box office on Saturday morning to get half-price tickets for that night's showing of The Barber of Seville. It wasn't actually in La Scala (which is closed for renovations for three years), but it was still incredibly awesome. Here we are dressed up before te show. From left to right we have Gordon, Karen, Andrew, Jeff, me, Corry, Kathy, Pete, and Linus.

Here are the boys, looking spiffy -- or something -- outside the opera house.

Corry and I, after the opera.

Unfortunately, my camera battery died, and I have no pictures from Sunday. But I will be able to get some from Jeff and Gordon. :)