Research   |   Summer 1999

During the summer of 1999, I worked with Amy Bug and Robert McFarland in the Swarthmore Physics Department. I am very thankful to have had an opportunity like this as a rising sophomore undergraduate, for it was a wonderful learning experience. Our results from that summer are published in "A two-chain path integral model of positronium" in the December 15, 2000 issue of the Journal of Chemical Physics. I spent most of my days in front of our Unix workstations, Barney and Bert, or our new G3, running programs and analyzing the output data. I also spent some time finding research papers in Cornell Library. I have some pictures of Robert and I eating lunch.

On July 21, Robert and I gave a presentation about our research to other students and faculty members who are doing research on campus this summer.

view slideshow

Amy is a computational physicist, and her Fortran 90 program that we have been working with uses a path integral monte carlo technique to simulate quantum particles. First, I had to learn Fortran 90. And here is a little bit of what I have been doing with it:


To test Amy's program, we simulated anti-hydrogen, which is similar to hydrogen but has a positron (positive electron) around a negative nucleus. This is the wave function from one of these runs. In this run we used 320 beads with beta = 50. The actual anti-hydrogen potential is a Coulomb potential, but since this goes to negative infinity near the origin, we used a Yukawa potential with a = 0.1. About 20 beads were moved per staging pass, and we ran the program for 100,000 passes, subtracting off the first 10,000 to give the system time to equilibrate before taking data. The theory for the probability density, drawn with a blue line, is P(r) = -r * e^(-2r). The black dots represent our data.


Free Positronium


Once we found that anti-hydrogen was working, we edited the program to model positronium. Positronium is formed when an electron and positron come in contact; it is like the hydrogen atom, with a positron replacing the proton. The electron and positron quickly annihilate each other; the singlet state lasts about E-10 seconds, while the triplet state lasts about E-8 seconds.

This graph demonstrates the theory that as a (the Yukawa radius) goes to zero and P (the number of beads on each chain representing a quantum particle) goes to infinity, the model system approaches the ideal; this theoretically works best if a is kept in proportion to P^(-2/3). The theoretical 1s curve on this plot is P(r) = r^2 * e^(-r). This plot was generated after 200,000 staging passes, and with beta=50.

Positronium in a Hard Sphere

One of my projects was to change a program Amy made from simulating anti-hydrogen in a hard sphere to simulating positronium. Here, the center of mass of the beads was repositioned after each staging pass to be in the center of the cavity. This graph shows the wave function of positronium in a sphere of radius 5 atomic units and in a sphere of radius 10. Notice that the r=10 curve fits nicely on the 1s theory, while the smaller sphere forced the electron and positron closer to each other, making the relative distance between them smaller. This run was done with P = 320, beta = 50, a = 0.2, and 150,000 staging passes.



Next I tried unpinning the center of mass. This could become a useful model for caged positronium, such as in a zeolite cavity. Here is the wave function of Ps in a sphere of radius 10. The two particles have been pushed slightly closer together than when their center of mass was pinned, probably due to when one becomes trapped against the side of the cavity. This run was done with P = 320, beta = 50, a = 0.2, and 250,000 staging passes.

Click here for a better picture of Ps in a cavity, which I used in our slideshow presentation.

As mentioned before, a Yukawa potential is used to simulate the Coulomb potential, and our model becomes closer to reality as a goes to zero and P goes to infinity. Here is my first attempt at extrapolating the energy at a=0. For each of the 21 runs needed to make this plot, I ran 250,000 staging passes with beta = 50 and the radius of the cavity being 8.0 a.u. I started with P = 320 and a = 0.2, and I kept the proportion a = kP^(-2/3) for P = 100, 140, 170, 200, 400, and 600. For each P I did three statistically independant runs, and it is clear that our energy estimator is not very precise. Still, with this linear extrapolation we found an energy of -0.242, which is slightly higher than the ground state energy of -0.25 due to the hard wall boundary conditions. This P^(-4/3) scaling was predicted by Muser and Berne, and our plot looks very similar to theirs on this scale.



My next project was to examine our energy estimator. Our original estimator was a kinetic energy estimator, and in an attempt to reduce the variance I created a new version of our code with a virial energy estimator. Here is a plot which dramatically demonstrates the steadiness of the virial estimator compared to the kinetic estimator.

Using the virial energy estimator, I did another extrapolation of the energy in a sphere of radius 8. Again, the best line took us to -0.242, but with a somewhat better fit (R=0.922 vs. R=0.896).

I tried unpinning the center of mass and doing the same sort of extrapolation with the virial estimator, and was surprised to find the energy going below the ground state energy of -0.25. Amy told me that the virial estimator cannot be used for a particle unpinned in a cavity, since it does not account for the cavity walls in any way. I used the kinetic estimator instead, and extrapolated the energy to -0.071 for r=5.0 a.u. and = -0.189 for r=8.0 a.u. I then added another (small) term into the energy estimator to better account for the cavity walls, and got some good results.


Calculated Energy of Positronium
(using virial energy estimator)

Cavity Radius


Potential Energy

Free Ps

10.0 a.u.

8.0 a.u.

6.0 a.u.

5.0 a.u.

4.0 a.u.

-0.252 +- 0.004

-0.184 +- 0.006

-0.178 +- 0.005

-0.132 +- 0.004

-0.058 +- 0.005

0.059 +- 0.010

-0.500 +- 0.003

-0.522 +- 0.002

(no data)

-0.564 +- 0.003

-0.597 +- 0.002

-0.666 +- 0.002

Here is one of my final plots of the radial probability density of positronium in a hard cavity. As you can see, as the cavity size decreases and squeezes positronium, the two particles are more likely to be found close together.