Hollis Easter - Watson Fellowship Information

Watson Information

Every year, the Thomas J. Watson Foundation awards Watson Fellowships to about sixty graduating seniors from small colleges around the United States. Fellowships are intended for self-directed study in an area of personal interest; the only major requirement is that the Fellows must remain outside the US for a full calendar year.

Some people choose many countries, others few. Topics range from sociopolitical ("Story of Forced Displacement: Images and Narratives from a Migrant's Life" -- Agnes Maria Flak) to the exploratory ("Falconry, Ancient and Modern" -- Arthur Middleton) to the downright fun ("The Abyss Gazes Also Into You: Living With The Legend of a Lake Monster" -- Buck DeFore).

I went to Scotland to study bagpipes. "Auld Tunes and New: the Bagpipe Music of Scotland" is the project I submitted. Linked from this page are the various materials I sent in.

If you've got questions, please write to me: easter+watson at sccs dot swarthmore dot edu

The links:

Thomas J. Watson Foundation

My Project Summary

My Personal Statement

Photo montage

My Closing Statement

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