Term Research Project, Fall 2005
SensoClean: Handling Noisy and
Incomplete Data in Sensor Networks using Statistical Modeling-
Collaborated with two graduate students to develop a toolkit that
implements Kalman filter and regression modeling, supports data
cleaning, interpolation and extrapolation, and provides data
analysis tools and visualization.
- Explored effectiveness of Kalman filter and regression for
capturing spatio-temporal correlations and cleaning sensor
network data.
Research Assistant, Summer 2003 Department of Computer Science,
Swarthmore College, PA
- Researched prediction and abstraction mechanisms for unsupervised robot learning.
- Developed a robot control system consisting of
self-organizing maps and neural networks for learning and associating sensorimotor data with the environment.
- Participated in the
Emergent Systems Working Group discussions at
Bryn Mawr College.
Open Source Project, Summer 2003 Pyro (Python Robotics)
- Worked on enhancements to the self-organizing map module of
Pyro, an open source,
python-based, integrated programming environment used in
undergraduate and graduate level robotics and artificial
intelligence courses.
Senior Research Paper, Spring 2003
A Minimally Supervised Malay Affix Learner
- Developed a minimally supervised system for learning Malay
affixation, using an algorithm that focused on identifying and
extracting morphological relationships from text corpora via orthographic analysis, and
building an affix inventory via a semantic-based approach.
Term Research Paper, Spring 2003
Towards Self-Organized Place Recognition-
Collaborated with a fellow student to research place recognition and
- Developed an artificial neural control system for controlling
robot behavior and extracting regularities from time-series
sensorimotor information. Used a simple recurrent network to learn
motor control, and a self-organizing map to classify the network's
hidden states into coherent segments corresponding to a robot's
spatial location and behavior.