Directions to the Swarthmore Firehouse
Swarthmore Fire and Protective Association
121 Park Ave.
Swarthmore, PA 19081
(610) 544-2732
From campus, or from the train:
Go under the SEPTA underpass by the train station. Cross tracks, cross Chester Rd. along the train platform. Head into the Ville along Park Ave - the Cheese Court is on your left. Cross Dartmouth Ave. Go into the Municipal Building, which is on the left (door should be unlocked). Go up the stairs (or take the lift) and head to the right. Firehouse crew area is on your left.
From Bond parking lot (dropoff for Tri-Co shuttle):
Walk down Chester Rd towards the train tracks. Come up to train platform on far side of the tracks. Follow directions above.
From 109 bus coming from Philly:
Get dropped off at Swarthmore Train Station. The stop should be on Chester Rd., shortly after going under the railroad bridge. There should be athletic fields to your right. After getting off bus, head up the sidewalk in the opposite direction (towards the train platform). Upon reaching the train platform, follow it to cross Chester Rd. Then from the platform, follow Park Ave. into the Ville and follow the directions under "From campus or from the train".
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