frozen moment
on top of the mountain - it is a lonely mountain - arathia sits -
it is so cold here - she thinks - whispers through numb
- i cannot remember a time when it was not so cold
the wind screams - it dies - arathia is longing
on top of the world she sits - it is a cold world - a dead world - they do
not want her - she does not want them - it is ice
frozen - she sits - the sun comes - dawn - she does not look - go away
dawn - i do not want the dawn
the sun beats down - what do you want
she pictures her skin burnt red by the sun - she pictures her skin
charred black by the sun - go away sun - i hate
from far beneath - a song comes - who sings to the empty mountain
away song - there is no one here - this is only a wasteland - this is only
an empty world
i do not see you - i do not hear you - i want you to go
and the song winds up the mountainside - up the frozen path - to the
summit - and over - it is gone
arathia hears the song - one strain - for an instant - half a memory - and
then it is gone
go away world - there is no one here
she pictures tears running down her cheeks - no - go away - i do not want
to hear - do not listen - i want you to go away
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