Struck by Moonlight

Struck by moonlight - what
is this? I didn't ask
for this - I was not the one -
whoever it was - who
opened the blinds.

Struck by moonlight she
falls falls falling falling
into herself - you
watch her as she goes
ever deeper deeper until
she is drowning.

And I know you, you
watch helplessly without
understanding - or perhaps
you understand too well.
Perhaps that is why
you never lift a finger, why
you never hold out even
your hand.

And I know you, I know
what you'll say. "I didn't
know," you'll say, all
innocence and big brown
eyes. Yes, but if you'd
known, if you'd
understood, none of this would
have happened.

Struck by moonlight she
falls, I dissolve, and
there is only the moon.


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