
She wanders the world remade, collecting names
	searching for the gift of who she is
	the wisdom only she is supposed to know
	alas that she has forgotten

A baby bird has fallen to the ground
	has died
	she picks it up, breathes it back to life
	and it calls her savior 
	she laughs bitterly and does not believe

She meets a child on the way to school
	and they talk
	about friends and lunch meat and outer space
	"bye, lady," says the girl
	but it is not her name

She meets her former lovers
	both of them
	though not together
	they are turtles
	and she has climbed them
	their backs are catapults to the stars
	and she is queen of the turtles

She meets anyone
	and with a whisper like a kiss, asks
	"Will you give me a piece of my name?"


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