- Keystone Politics Interview - This interview was conducted by e-mail, and the e-mails were posted verbatim without editing, so this is all my own writing.
- Peer to Peer - I wrote a column for the Swarthmore Phoenix called "Peer to Peer," dealing with technology and IP issues on Swarthmore's campus. The last three articles I wrote are Swarthmore ITS an ally in quest for freer society, a cell phone defense, and Recording Swarthmore history. You can find everything I've written with a search.
- Essay on Schorr's "The Overspent American: Why We Want What We Don't Need", for Timothy Burke's History of Consumption
- Free Love? - A paper on how the opportunity costs of love clearly demonstrate that love can never be truly free. It's not an astoundingly good paper, but I would like to work on it a bit in the future if I ever have the time, it shows promise.
Content preserved mostly as it was on 2006-07-08 11:51pm EDT
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