Enrichment Activities

These activities are meant to help fill small gaps of time (approx. 10-20 minutes) and can be expanded on for use with larger lessons. Most are focused around basic language arts skills, though some are more artistic in nature.


Hidden Words:

Find words hidden within other words by jumbling the letters.

Possible words to use: departed, created, evolution, rotated, decided



On a sheet of paper, print 2 lines and a circle and ask the students to create pictures using the circle and lines. This activity challenges the students to think creatively and you can also have them share their pictures for a few minutes at the end. You can also tailor the activity to upcoming events or holidays, such as creating a Halloween picture from the lines and the circle.











Cartoon of the Day:



Have the students create their own 4 frame cartoon of the day which can be hung in the classroom.







Word Blocks:

Write words using blocks to represent tall, short or line crossing letters.

Students can also create some of their own.




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