Hey, there is more to Physics 8 here at Swarthmore than fields and potentials. Okay, more than relativity even. There is the man behind it all, Professor Boccio. The man is just given to being profound. So I have collected some of his comments from the semester long class and listed them here. Don't worry, this is not meant in the same vein as the collection of Andres quotes. Whew.
Boccio's Law: e = h = c = m = 1
We all know there is no difference betweenWhen you write four greater thans,
no one can question what you do.
Uniqueness can be very powerful.
Sadly for them it turned out they're [electric fields] not real.If someone says to you that there is a one farrad capacitor over
there on the table, don't touch it.
.....don't touch it
The reason it is easy to deal with oneIf there is anything that
could be a problem with my
dielectric, it's not in my
You can't get weird thingsThe most trivial looking things are the things
to be most scared of.
If any of the other physics 8 people out there can remember other quotes, send them to me.That sounds interesting.
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