The Girl with the Beanie

To talk to me just click on my ID. At the prompt, login as talk and type in ryangco as the user you wanna talk to. If i'm logged on, maybe i'll talk to ya. :-)

BUT FIRST, learn useless information about me that will in no way help you later on in life =P. I'm currently a senior (whoo-hoo!) at Swarthmore College, otherwise known as "where's that?"(it's just about 25 minutes south of Philadelphia). I'm a filipina-american, born in New Haven, CT, and I grew up in Tampa, Florida , so yes, I was a snow virgin until last year. Check out WTVT's Skycam showing the Tampa Speedway ;-). I just found out that my high school, Tampa Preparatory School has a web page. Of course all this happens the minute I graduate...*sigh*....oh well.

Music is my life. Next to my friends and family, it's probably what keeps me sane. I started the violin when I was a little kiddie i'm still doin it up till now. But despite my classical training, I have pretty diverse (well...ok, messed up, as some would say) musical tastes...

Well, before I really experienced how difficult it was, I thought I wanted to be an ethnobotanist. "What's that?!" (*I hear you scream*) Basically it's the study of medicinal plants. I still think its really cool to see how other cultures used plants for treatment of any disease or infection. If you're still confused, check out the Medicinal Biologicals--Herbs, Magic, and Science page for more information. I FINALLY FOUND A MAJOR! I am a sociology and anthropology major :-). Yes the glorious day finally arrived as I chose to be a soc/anth major. Now I just gotta find out what I want to be the focus of my thesis. I know I would like it to be some aspect of Filipino American life. Still taking suggestions....

Ok, here's me without my beanie...:-)

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