Tristram Shandy on Hypertext, Legacy
The Legacy of Tristram Shandy HTML
We, the creators of Tristram Shandy HTML, understand that this
project is--indeed, always will be--unfinished. There is still more to
do, more volumes to include, more text to link and, most importantly, more
improvements to make.
Therefore, we call upon you, the reader, to join us. It is our hope that
year after year, new students of Tristram Shandy will contribute
their knowledge, creativity in interpretation, stimulating ideas, and time
to improve
the world's only hypertext version of Tristram
Shandy. (At least at the present moment.)
you would
like to find out more about how to help this effort to convert all
volumes of Tristram Shandy into comprehensive hypertext, please
Thank you for your time and interest, and enjoy Tristram Shandy
Last Modified May 12, 1996. Maintained by Keith Earley.
Comments or suggestions?
Write us!