la mia vita a Italia |
(Leslie, Abby, Erin, Brook, me and Vanessa on the top of Florence's Duomo in October)
I spent the first semester of my junior year studying abroad in Parma, Italy, through the Pitzer College program. It was an amazing four months for me, filled with unforgettable experiences and some perspective-shifting realizations. Here are some writings that I did there in Italy (and more will be added sometime in the future):
- Parma: a page all about my hometown in Italy (for the fall 1997 semester)
- story #3 ("The Window") written in October;
- Letter Home #1, which gives details about my first impressions of my surroundings in Parma, Italy;
- weirdness. two journal entries that I originally wrote when I was in Italy in November. I didn't think I'd ever be putting them online, so I had absolutely no audience in mind when I wrote them. It was just a necessary creative release for me:
- a night in Parma
- my excitements and fears
- my thoughts from December 20th, when I had just gotten back home;