Upcoming Events
There are currently no upcoming events for this year. See you in August!
Past Events
The 2010 Intercultural Center Recognition Dinner
Tuesday May 5, 2010 - 5:00pm in Upper Tarble Auditorium
sponsored by the IC
Please join us in celebrating another year of amazing achievements by students, faculty and staff as we enjoy each other's company and share in a meal from Sabor Latino of Upper Darby!
Annual Jerome H. Wood Memorial Lecture:
"Is Haiti Ready for Self-Rule? Rethinking the Role of the United States in Haitian National Development"
Thursday, April 29, 2010 - 4:30pm in Sci 101
sponsored by the BCC, the Black Studies Program, Coalition for a Free Haiti, the Dean's Office, the IC, and more!
Join us as Dr. Chantalle Verna, Assistant Professor of History at Florida International University presents the 2010 Jerome H. Wood Memorial lecture. She speaks to us about how Haiti's relationship to the United States influences the development of Haitian national affairs.
Behind the Scenes with Wong Fu Productions
Friday, April 9, 2010 - 6pm-8pm in Sci 101
part of APIA Month, hosted by SAO
Wong Fu Productions is a growing independent production ocmpany with thousands of hits to their website and Youtube channel from all over the world each day. They are famous for one of their earlier works called "Yellow Fever." So please join SAO on Friday, April 9th as we present Wong Fu productions in part of our celebration of APIA Month!