Next, I should mention
Will (Mackintosh).
I must mention Will's
last name here to clarify
which Will I refer to due to
the recent confusion that
Sam and I
have been having. Will is quite an awesome guy;
he is a ballet dancer.
I suggest paying a visit to his page....

All right.... Here comes mention of another Will .
We did not meet until this year,
but I feel our friendship has grown incredibley this semester.
I love hanging out/talking with Will;
I always find it helps me clear my thoughts.
Will is very logical- constantly pondering and (re)examining life.
Around Will I unravel my thoughts (very essential to survival at Swat).....
He is now taking some time off from this place.br> I know this is the best decision for him, yet I will dearly miss our time together.
Check out his page.
Urs must be the next gal that I comment on.
Right now she is off in Sydney for the year.
Luckily, I will be visiting her for a few weeks over witer break.
Being at Swat without her is strange.
I wander about campus expecting her to pop out from the next building.
Ou separation is particularly difficult because the bonding we shared last spring.
We ventured out across North Dakota, Urs's homestate, through Montana, Wyoming, and South Dakota.
I hope to write more about our adventures soon.
For now, I can say that I rely on my constant e-mailings with Ursie to keep
me going while here at Swat.
She has the incredible ability to help me see past stumbling blocks, even where over in Australia.
Perhaps she will read this updated part about her and smile.
Another close friends studying abroad this semester in Kaela.
She is studying in Itlay for this fall.
From what she has shared thus far,
her experiences there have been incredible.
Few days pass when I don't wonder what she is doing; what is new; and miss her. Check out our women's studies project from last spring to catch a glimpse of Kaela in action.
Another incredible woman here on campus is Erin.
We became close last year through work
on the WRC and our Women's Studies 1 class.
She is one person I can share everything with.
Our experiences share a common theme,
and I know she can offer valuable advise.
She always keeps be alert with her witty personality.
She truly represents all I could ever hope for from a close friend.
Grees, I call her that too, is awesome!
This is a photo of my 20th birthday party (March 4, 1998) at Paces. These are many of my close friends surrounding me. Ah, to be circled by such strength!
Here are more friends at the party :
imran, will nessly , john, daniel, ben, isaac, michaela, sam, eric, me, and
ursula (ursie, urs)
Another friend who is off this semester is Maya.
Do visit her webpage, and she is such a strong, admirable woman!
She is home now recovering from a brain tumor.
I miss her presence around campus,
but I know this time will grant her time to regain strength and focus. She is always in my thoughts!
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