The Year the Was...

The website you are browsing, either by choice or accident, was concieved during the last week of exams in December 1996. This journal was added when I returned to school in late January and has been a running, if sometimes erratic, commentary on things I've done and cared about in 1997.

It's hard to believe that I've been doing this for a year - time passes so quickly. Below is a little attempt at organization of the events in this journal by month, with a couple comments about anything I thought was particularly exciting.

Have a good time browsing the Year that Was.

Life centered around the rerelease of Star Wars

[february]Photoclub was on the way to being an actual fact
Empire reopened to many joyous smiles

[march] An amazing trip to see Sting in New York City on a whim

I was accepted as a Biology major
Had fun at the 16 Feet reunion
Found housing for junior year
Was accepted as a Writing Assoiciate

Did a ton of work as the year drew to a close, including my Embryology final paper
Returned home to work in a Chem lab

Had a hideous day in lab
Learned how to use the NMR and the dry box

Turned 20!
Finished up work in the lab


Returned to Swarthmore at long last

My dog passed away
I had fun over October Break
Became webmaster for the Writing Center Site
Worked a lot

Seminar Lab project had a big day - our plasmid was sequenced

Exams... the semester draws to a close

Last modified: 1/7/98
Susan Hunt