Get some Throcky goodness!
The video was available on this website, but I had to take it down because it was occupying too much space, it is 443 MB. I decided to post it to the Internet Archive instead.
- Video of the production - A necessity for every Throcky fan. Hosted on
- The final script [doc] [pdf] - This was the last version of the script before we went into production. All subsequent edits were merely written in on people's scripts. There probably weren't many changes however, if you're really bored you could always watch the video and try to find differences between the script and the show...
- Opening Song - This is only song with lyrics that we completed in time for the show, and it is awesome! We may have given the audience false hope, I fear. You should definitely download it, because the beginning of it got cut off in the video.
- Vector Dance - This song was done entirely on Nelson's synthesizer, and was actually a lot of fun to dance to. Unfortunately Nelson didn't get to do this dance in the show, or wear his vector shorts in the show for that matter.
- Throcky solo - This is the song that didn't make it into the actual production, because the lyrics are horrible (although they used to be worse). Nelson recorded this song while he was sick, so his voice also sucks on this track. However, if you want to download this from morbid curiousity, feel free.
Content preserved mostly as it was on 2006-07-08 11:51pm EDT
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