Throcky Gets Physical

A poster advertising
Throcky Gets Physical, with the tagline 'Physics Doesn't Suck', and
images of Throcky, Roxy, and a fast car.
Come one, come all to see Throcky Gets Physical! Thanks to Louis for drawing this poster and then e-mailing it to me years afterwards. If you want the full sized poster file, click on the poster, but I warn you, it will most certainly NOT fit on your screen.

Nelson's Dad manning the camera
Without this man, we would not have a video of the Physical. Thanks Dad!

Throcky, Roxy, and Britney Spears standing behind their podiums, Throcky playing calculator games
In Celebrity Jeopardy, the person most distracted by his TI-89 loses.

Throcky bursts in the door with his newfound physics knowledge
Hey Roxy, I know physics!

Throcky and Roxy attempting to escape in Throcky's very fast car... so very fast that Darius can run faster than it
Drive faster!

Everybody does the swim
Come on party people, wave your hands in the air

The cast kicking their heels up Rockette style
No musical would be complete without a chorus line.

The cast takes its bows
Thank you, thank you!

Nelson looking very hot and exhausted, with other pooped cast members
Whew, that was tiring!

A blurry picture of Sam, Gray, and Nelson, with Prasanthi in the background
High school just seemed to go by in a blur.

Cast photo
Everybody smile!

Wild cast photo
Whee! We did it!

Content preserved mostly as it was on 2006-07-08 11:51pm EDT

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