Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch,
a smile,
a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest compliment or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have the power to turn
a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia
the power of a touch,
a smile,
a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest compliment or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have the power to turn
a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia
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Board of Directors
- President Anthony J. Serra, Esq.
Serra Weiss, LLC - Vice President Linda Bryant, R.N.
Hunterdon Medical Center - Treasurer Floyd Stafford
Financial Assist, Inc. - Secretary Barbara Sabo
Large, Scammell & Danziger, LLC - LaDonna Burton, Esq.
Burton & Thatcher, LLC - Rev. James DeVries
Hunterdon Medical Center - Joseph Jaskolski, M.D.
Hickory Run Family Practice - Christine N. Little, Esq.
Flemington, NJ - Bibi Rivera
Wachovia Bank
Advisors to the Board
- The Honorable Susan J. Hoffman
Hunterdon County Surrogate - Christine Dey, LSW
Division of Senior Services - Gregory J. Palakow, Esq.
Archer & Greiner, P.C. - Brooke E. Schumann
Special Deputy Surrogate
Executive Director
- James J. Farrelly