Too often we underestimate
the power of a touch,
a smile,
a kind word,
a listening ear,
an honest compliment or the
smallest act of caring, all of
which have the power to turn
a life around.
- Leo Buscaglia

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Volunteer of the Year Kathleen Zuback, of Clinton Township, receives her well-deserved award from United Way Chief Executive Bonnie Duncan.

From the Director

Volunteer Guardianship One-on-One, Inc. proudly celebrates nearly 10 years of providing caring and professionally supported volunteers to serve as court-appointed guardians for those in need.

Our agency has come a long way from its humble beginnings in 1996 when Princeton Attorney Anthony Serra, joined with Hunterdon County Surrogate Susan J. Hoffman, to locate a person willing to serve as a caring guardian for a county resident who was without family or friends. Over the years, dozens of volunteers and their wards have been capably served by Volunteer Guardianship One-on-One, Inc.

As a result of the on-going support of the County of Hunterdon and the United Way of Hunterdon County and the generosity of our corporate, foundation-based, and individual contributors, Volunteer Guardianship One-on-One is now well established in its permanent home in the Reading-Large Mansion in Flemington, New Jersey. Vibrant and dedicated board members, including attorneys, physicians, nurses, social services staff and committed community residents, regularly contribute their guidance and expertise.

We recently accepted the simple phrase "You Are Never Alone," as our agency motto. Along with our logo (best described as "Lean on Me"), we proudly assert that we are an interdependent, social services agency. Structured to assure comfort to others, "You Are Never Alone," and our logo, demonstrates our genuine commitment to others. Thanks to the dedication of our staff and board members, our Guardians are never left alone; similarly, our wards are never alone, thanks to the commitment of our Guardians.

Delighted with our accomplishments, Volunteer Guardianship One-on-One, Inc. constantly strives to develop and grow. The future however, depends on our continued ability to successfully recruit and prepare volunteers to join us in assuming responsibility for another individual's well-being, thereby allowing them to continue to reach for their dreams.

We are always looking for "A Few Special Persons." COME JOIN US! Your time, talent and energy will assure one more person that "YOU ARE NEVER ALONE."

Warm Regards,
Executive Director