The Swarthmore team is quickly growing, with a diverse blend of
experienced veterans and promising novices. To get a feel for the members
of the team, read on. (Biographies are gradually being added to the page.)
Active Members
- Chris White '05, president
- Major: Undeclared
- Adam Oleksa, '05, treasurer
- Major: Undeclared
- Adrian Packel '04, webmaster
- Major: Greek
- Cameron Higby-Naquin, '05
- Major: Undeclared
- Jeff Traczynski, '04
- Major: Latin, Economics
- Juan-Matthew Bulnes-Fowles, '04
- Major: Mathematics. Minor: Computer science
- Will Schricker, '04
- Matt Fiedler, '06
- Emily Ullman, '06
- Rachel Winer, '06
- Alex Glick, '06
- Fred Bush, '98
- Majors: English Lit. and Psychology
- The team's geography expert, transportation tsar, and 1995-6
president, Fred has rather miraculously managed to secure employment,
writing blurbs for "TV Guide." A co-founder of TRASH, he has been
immortalized as the subject of the infamous Fred
- Ed Cohn, '99
- Major: History
- Ed has a penchant for knowing rather obscure historical and
political facts. If a question involves US senators, the rest of Ed's team
can take a quick nap, while the opposing team prepares to lose another
tossup to the power of Ed.
- Adam Fagen
- Major: Biology
- Adam gave QOTC its name, and was one of the first presidents of
the team. He is now a player and coach for Harvard.
- Pat Friel,
- Major: Mathematics
- Patrick, a former team president and current UCLA player, is a
recent "Jeopardy!" champion and the self-described "ghost of Hamlet's
father of Swarthmore College Bowl."
- Jessica Harbour '99
- Major: History
- Besides being the Queen of Trash (including, but not limited
to, all Ga. Tech sports trivia), Jess speaks French and answers Chinese
history questions.
- Josh Miller, '00
- Major: Political Science
- Josh is a former leader of this fine organiation, and is known
for his eclectic tastes, including the movie "Victory" and the music of
Jim Croce. Like Fred, he has been immortalized as the subject of a Josh Packet.
- Arcadia Falcone, '02
- Major: Unknown
- Arcadia can be spotted by the vividness of her black clothes.
She is an expert on Steven Sondheim, and would like to instate "Sweeney
Todd" as the team musical.
- Rebecca Paul, '02
- Major: Mathematics. Minor: Economics
- Previous biography: "Rebecca maintains this website. For this
reason, there is no quirky biography here. (It is good to be the
- Rebecca is a direct descendant of every important early
Northeastern White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. She once memorized the WXYZ
volumes of several encyclopedias.
- She isn't the only one who has access to this website.
For this reason, a completely fictitious quirky biography has been placed
here. (It is good to be a file-permission-holding deviant.)
- Rebecca is also the most cheerful and good-natured member of the
team. Consequently, she generally does registration at tournaments and
deals with those to whom the rest of us would probably send an Email of
Hatred (cf. lexicon).
- Peter Austin, '02
- Major: History
- Peter is the current resident expert on history, astronomy, and
battleships named after US states.
- He is a former president and tournament director, but has
(willingly) given up his position to the younger team members. The team
breathed a sigh of relief when Peter's term ended, as they will no longer
be arriving at tournaments two hours before they start.
- R. Dan Blim, '02
- Major: Music, Art History
- As an art history and music lover, he is the one person on the
team willing to defend Cage music and "Fountain" as art.
Former Members/Missing in Action
Michael Noda '04, statistician
Major: Economics. Minor: Mathematics
Benjamin Schak, '03
Major: Mathematics
Ben knows all the winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize
in Economics, but not what they did. He also thinks he knows the answer to
all ACF math tossups.
Jonah Volk, '03
Major: Computer Science, History
That's Jonah, J-O-N-A-H.
Ascencion Duenas, '04
Major: Undeclared
Maintained by Adrian Packel. For more information, contact Chris White.