E26/CS40 Portfolio

Paul Azunre


Paul's portfolio for the course. You may download my poster here. [powepoint slide]

*** Be sure to click on all images and animations to see them in their "true colors".***

Of course, you should do this only if you have a fast internet connection :)

Lab 1

First and foremost, the beginning, the picture that started it all. Paul extracting energy from lightning charges and using it to become invisible. The image is watermarked.

Cool-looking Julia set animations created by varying the complex number set and trying several innovative coloring schemes.

Lab 2

Artistic looking self-portraits were generated by edge detecting, storing a point for every edge pixel found and manipulating stored points to obtain desired results. In essence, a 2D model of Paul was created as a set of points and then manipulated. Images were rendered in different colors. Images are shown below. For the original picture used as a basis for these images, please refer to the "Lab 6" section on this page.

An animation of a bouncing ball was also created as an extension for this lab. It is shown below.

Lab 3

Paul's "Point-Model" was embellished somewhat by coloring in some surfaces using the floodfill algorithm.

Two animations were created to compare the operation of the floodfill algorithm vs. the scanfill algorithm. These animations are juxtaposed in the figure below. Please click on animations for larger versions.

Lab 4

Radial fill of circles was developed as an extension for this lab, in order to make circles appear 3D.

Lab 5

An [ugly] fly model was developed and animated on a cool strawberry background. Hierarchical modeling techniques were used to form fly formations. The assumption is that the strawberry is decaying. Two [slightly different] animations are shown below. Note how a couple of flies leave towards the strawberry every so often in the animation on the right... Coolness!

Lab 6

Gaussian and Box filters were implemented for antialiasing purposes. The leftmost image below is the original static photo used to test the filters. The middle one is an animation of 10 successive filterings with a Gaussian filter defined by r = 2. The rightmost one is an animation of 10 successive filterings of a Box filter defined by r = 2.

Lab 7

Several 3D Graphics primitives (a sphere, a cube and a cylinder) were animated on a cool outer space background (left). Another animation was also developed with a "point-model" of Paul on the background. Finally, an image of the primitives on a white background is presented on the right.

Lab 8

A Bezier spline was observed doing some aesthetically pleasing curvy oscillations in the open sky. This opportunity was taken to capture it on ".gif". An image of the z-buffer algorithm correctly hiding surfaces is shown on the right.

Lab 9

Starfury fliers were made to spiral out of control, while flying through a cloud of space dust. Click on animation for a larger version (it is WAY cooler).